Dear Bentley

Relationships One to Many: Part II Why People are afraid of Commitment          As a little girl, we all dream of our fairytale wedding with our prince, but once we get older and live life, our outlook changes; through experiencing good and bad relationships, being in the single realm, dating pool, and focusing on our careers. We always feel that the one we are with is a great person, but God may have someone better in store. Men and women tend to get stuck in relationship limbo…“I always thought I’d have this magical moment where I would meet someone and there’d be this instant clicking and we would literally be married six months later,” a girl says. SORRY...IN TODAY’S SOCIETY, THAT 40’s, WWII IMAGE DOES NOT EXIST! We never seem to…
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“Dear Bentley”

-Meet our new anonymous advice columnist “Bentley Marie”. She’ll be sending you words of wisdom and answering all of your questions about love, relationships and anything dealing with the male/female mind. Email your questions to, put “Dear Bentley” as the subject.Relationships: One to ManyIn college, single, and loving it!!!Since the male population is limited to damn near ZERO on college campuses, women are subject to being single. While some complain about this absence, many are embracing this time to mingle, find themselves, and just have fun!!  A good friend of mine says she loves being single, because she has options. Sorry men, women are becoming the players! Having options and not being tied down is something that women are now embracing. Since we out number you anyway in college,…
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