Repentance Is Not Just For Sinners
contributed by Kaydee by David Wilkerson [May 19, 1931 - April 27, 2011] The longer I walk with Jesus, the more I am convinced that repentance is not just for sinners, but also for believers. It is not simply a one-time thing, but something God's people are called to do until Jesus returns. Every Christian who maintains a repentant attitude brings upon his life God's special attention. Indeed, repentance opens up something to us that nothing else can. If we walk before the Lord with a repentant heart, we will be inundated with incredible blessings! A repentant heart is soft, tender and pliable, is and easily molded by the Holy Spirit. It responds to and acts upon godly reproof. The number-one characteristic of a repentant heart is a readiness to…