**Blondie’s Lipstick** welcomes Nique to the writer’s corner. She brings excitement and creativity in the form of compelling poetry, stories, and insightful quotes. Her objective in life involves providing useful information to better the well-being of individuals.
As a writer for Blondie’s, she hopes to inspire and reach the minds of her audience. She offers her reader’s an opportunity to escape into a world of bliss using their imagination. Guaranteed thrill and excitement for the readers of the lipstick world. She can be reached by email @ Dgaspard85@gmail.com. Follow her on twitter @20something1985
This girl is so freakin AWESOME! I can't wait to read her posts 🙂
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Before shaving, one should know what razor is good for his skin. Razors are something personal and it is up to the user what type of razor would give him the closest shave possible, but of course, with less nicks and cuts.
Male Grooming