What started out as a last minute addition to a Halloween costume has blossomed into a new passion! Wig making!
This summer I fell in love with crochet. It was so easy to switch my hairstyle up & have a new do in 2hrs or less! I ran into a problem though. I had this HUGE hair -& I LOVE me some big hair- but this was so big I was struggling to pull shirts over my head & it didn’t even fit in a bonnet at night!
I thought if I could take this hair off at night it would make it sooooo much easier! Did a little research, headed to my local beauty supply & viola!
I noticed when buying a wig you’re at the mercy of the company in hopes they make the color wig you want -a problem I face often with blonde hair) & even if they do there’s still the issue of whether or not the store has it in stock. Instead of carrying pre-made wigs, each one is handmade & the color is customized to the customer.
Place your custom order!!
Here’s a few of my creations thus far:
For more info on how to order click the Shop tab at the top of the website!