So if you’re a military brat or are just good at acronyms then you know what the title means. For those of you who don’t, dont feel bad, neither did I til my coworkers told me! lol! SNAFU is a military term that stands for Situation Normal, All Fucked Up! lol! Now with my recent luck in relationships this phase seems to fit my luck with most guys. Things are going good (at least I think they are!) then all of a sudden he’s super stalker or is an atheist, or has 3 kids he forgot to mention in our past 6 dates, or still has a girlfriend & is tryna audition me a the side line hoe, or he aint got no job & kicks it on the couch all day . . . . the list goes on & on! (yes some of those are fictional, my love life aint that bad!!) Point is shit becomes “All Fucked Up!”  You know you’ve been there too!

Well the talented & delightfully awkward Issa Rae has heard our plight ladies & gents!!! She teamed up with Black & Sexy TV & brought us a new refreshing series called Roomieloverfriends that I cant get enough of!! & what perfect timing, cause according to twitter it’s “cuffing season” & some of us should be snuggling up with this youtube channel instead of Mr. or Mrs. Right Now! lol! Check out episode 1:


Great right?!!! Well lucky you the series started 3 weeks ago & she uploads a new episode to her channel every Saturday! Catch up & subscribe here!!

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& be sure to tune in next Saturday for the latest installment of Roomieloverfriends

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