There are a host of diet pill name brands that fill the shelves at Wal-Mart and all of your local drugstores. Some appetite suppressants can be prescribed by your physician (and if you are seriously interested in taking an appetite suppressant I suggest you see your doctor). However, there are millions of people who have relied on non-prescription diet supplements in an effort to lose weight. On my many weight loss journeys, I too have taken non-prescription diet pills. The pills that I took are called Hydroxycut and are still available in stores today.
Considering the fact that any type of drug can have severe effects on the body I knew it was important for me to take extreme caution while taking the pills. I took diet pills when I was trying to lose 15 pounds. I had tried everything and I could not lose those last pesky pounds. Hydroxycut had me taking too many pills a day and I noticed I started to have an elevated heart rate. I decided that my health was way more important and I stopped taking the pills about two weeks after I started. While taking the pills, I did lose 10 of the 15 pounds, but I was scared that I was putting my health in jeopardy. Of course, like the other quick weight loss methods it was only a temporary solution to the problem and I eventually gained the weight back. I wouldn’t recommend taking any diet pills because the side effects are too scary and your health is definitely NOT worth the risk.
This is the last week of the “what didn’t work for me” experiences. I am sure you are anxious to know about my current regimen and the things that I am doing to maintain a healthy weight and lifestyle! Stay Tuned 🙂
-Miss Tee
DISCLAIMER: *I am not a medical doctor and I am not endorsing any particular weight loss methods. I am simply sharing my experiences. *